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Vive la France

Picture by: Rui Pedro Godhino

From 27 to 30 April, we went to compete in Saumur, France. Henri took along two super-talented horses, which participated in their first long Grand Prix. Both did a really good job, they not only were successful but also gained a lot of experience. Dixiland achieved two forth places in the GP and the GP free-style, respectively. Despite making a few mistakes in both classes, he still made a great and impressive appearance. Huracan, who has not gained much show experience yet, was very impressed by his surroundings and showed his insecurity. Accordingly, he made a few mistakes, the enormous potential of this horse was unmistakeable, though. In the Grand Prix Special, conditions were even more difficult, for unfortunately we were not spared from the storm and rain. Nevertheless, Henri and Huracan took sixth place, and we are impressed and proud of the power and rideability Huracan displays in the arena and will do our homework now.
